After being rescued from the streets, a sweet dog's video clip with a smile and tail wag went viral. Layla, the dog, was seen wandering the streets by herself for several days before Beaumont Animal Care located her.
Visiting the dog's kennel and striking up a conversation with her was Animal Care staffer Rachel Barron. The dog was amused to the point of smiling when she spoke in a baby-like voice.
The small dog was probably receiving attention and care for the first time. Rachel's adorable behavior was acknowledged by Layla, who grinned and waggled her tiny tail.
Thank goodness she managed to capture the touching scene on camera since it went viral right away.
A local couple was chosen to be Layla's new parents, it seems, after they received numerous adoption inquiries for her after the video was published.
When her new family brought Layla home, she quickly became accustomed to her surroundings and got along with the other dogs.