A devoted dog has taken on the role of caretaker and walking companion for a little girl during her hospital visits, providing her with the love and support she needs during a difficult time.


The assistance of her Great Dane allowed a young girl to take her first steps in nine years.

Bella Burton, age 11, of Woburn, Massachusetts, was born with Morquio Syndrome, an extremely rare genetic condition that affects bone growth and poses movement restrictions. Additionally, she still found it challenging to walk without the use of crutches or a wheelchair even after more than 10 surgeries and innumerable physical therapies.

The young girl is finally able to walk around on her own thanks to the assistance of her cherished dog George, a 130-pound Great Dane service dog.

At the Service Dog Project in Ipswich, Massachusetts, George, who is the same height as Bella but three times as heavy, received his training.

For people who have severe balance and mobility issues, SDP has provided about 100 Great Danes as service animals. The dogs improve their owners' quality of life while serving a vital purpose.

Service dogs have been used to help people with multiple sclerosis, Friedreich's ataxia, and others, as well as children and veterans of the military. Each dog undergoes rigorous training for balance, but once a dog is paired with an applicant, the dog is specially trained to meet their needs.

More than any other therapy Bella has had, George, who was first introduced to her last year, has improved Bella's mobility and spirit.

There are only 3000 cases of Marquio Syndrome worldwide, a degenerative metabolic condition.

the uncommon inherited illness that causes dwarfism, faulty bone growth, and organ damage.

I used wheelchairs, walkers, Canadian crutches, and ordinary crutches. But when we got George, I stopped using my crutches and started relying on him, Bella told WCVB.

As she moves through the hallways of her school and ascends and descends the stairs, the girl can lean on the Great Dane.

He's got it under control, she retorted. "He knows where all of my classes are," I said. He's going to nap while she's in class.

She told Fox News, "I rely on him like a crutch." He assists me in moving. In the event that I trip, I instruct him to "Brace!" so that he will stand still and not even flinch until I can stand up on my own, Bella said.

Before George was adopted and fully assimilated into the family, Bella was unable to engage securely in activities like playing on the playground and taking bike trips. Now, however, she can live a perfectly active life.

Bella receives assistance from George when playing with her friends outside and at the gym. In order to ensure she is always safe, he sleeps close by her at night.

The pair's journey has been followed online by many thanks to their captivating story, which has captured hearts all around the world.

In a ceremony in December, the American Kennel Club will present George with an Award for Canine Excellence.

One of five dogs who have "substantially influenced the lives of their owners and people in their communities" who will get an award is the Great Dane.

Bella no longer just relies on George as a crutch; he has also grown to be her closest friend.


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